Hot Deals

The Hotel Concord - 20% discount on your next meeting at The Hotel Concord Event Center managed by HRKNSScowork

20% discount on your next meeting at The Hotel Concord Event Center managed by HRKNSScowork

20% discount on your next meeting at The Hotel Concord Event Center managed by HRKNSScowork

2 weeks free for NH Tech Alliance Members

Any NH Tech Alliance member who hires an IT Consultant or W2 contractor from Robert Half Technology (Manchester NH Office) for a project lasting 3 months or more will be refunded 80 hours in billings.

Get your IT Project off the ground with 2 free weeks of IT support

NHTA member employees and their immediate family receive 20% off tuition at Franklin Pierce University.

NHTA member employees and their immediate family receive 20% off online tuition at Franklin Pierce University.

20% Discount on Franklin Pierce University Online Courses